Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Access Copyright, Bill C-32 and Canadian Writers

As a Canadian author, I'm very concerned with protecting my copyright and my works, and it's great that we have organizations like Access Copyright fighting for us and fighting to keep Canada's literary culture alive and well. Don't get me wrong, I am all for making it easier for schools to have access to Canadian works, but authors must be rewarded for their work, just as teachers are.

In the video below, a handful of Canadian writers share their thoughts on Bill C-32 and its possible effects. I'm sharing it to help educate the public. Most Canadian writers earn very modest incomes. Many writers try to get by on less than minimum wage. Some people say that's our choice. And it is. But creating is our calling, our vocation, our passion.

Just like anyone else, creators need income to survive. Our incomes depend not just on sales. We also depend on income we receive when universities, colleges, schools, corporations and governments make copies of our works for their own use, instead of buying more copies of the original.

Copyright exists to protect creators. When others use our works, copyright law should ensure the people who worked so hard to produce them are compensated.

Cheryl Kaye Tardif,
bestselling Canadian author

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